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Amateur of the Year Show
Affiliations for Amateur of the Year
TSR Talent Spotting
TSR Talent Spotting Finals
Premier Amateur Points League and TSR Shows
TSR Premier Amateur Points League Allocations
Premier Amateur Show
Premier Amateur Ridden HOYS Qualification
TSR Spring Show
A Guide to Entering TSR Events
TSR Handbook
Clinics and Advice
Study and Training Workshops
Accredited Trainers
Showing tips and advice
Judge Memberships
Judge Registers/Apply
Amateur of the Year Show
Affiliations for Amateur of the Year
TSR Talent Spotting
TSR Talent Spotting Finals
Premier Amateur Points League and TSR Shows
TSR Premier Amateur Points League Allocations
Premier Amateur Show
Premier Amateur Ridden HOYS Qualification
TSR Spring Show
A Guide to Entering TSR Events
TSR Handbook
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Clinics and Advice
Study and Training Workshops
Accredited Trainers
Showing tips and advice
Judge Memberships
Judge Registers/Apply
Amateur of the Year Show
Affiliations for Amateur of the Year
TSR Talent Spotting
TSR Talent Spotting Finals
Premier Amateur Points League and TSR Shows
TSR Premier Amateur Points League Allocations
Premier Amateur Show
Premier Amateur Ridden HOYS Qualification
TSR Spring Show
A Guide to Entering TSR Events
TSR Handbook
Clinics and Advice
Study and Training Workshops
Accredited Trainers
Showing tips and advice
Judge Memberships
Judge Registers/Apply
Amateur of the Year Show
Affiliations for Amateur of the Year
TSR Talent Spotting
TSR Talent Spotting Finals
Premier Amateur Points League and TSR Shows
TSR Premier Amateur Points League Allocations
Premier Amateur Show
Premier Amateur Ridden HOYS Qualification
TSR Spring Show
A Guide to Entering TSR Events
TSR Handbook
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Judges 2025 Renewal Incorporating HOYS Competing Eligibility
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Judges 2025 Renewal Incorporating HOYS Competing Eligibility
Panel information from applicant
Please state above the Additional Panels you wish to be recognised by TSR. Supporting information must be emailed to
Insurance acceptance
I understand that whilst TSR (The Showing Register Ltd) offers Personal Accident Cover (refer to documents on the website) it is my responsibility as a TSR Judge to ensure that this is appropriate insurance cover prior to commencing a judging appointment and to also confirm with the show/event that they have suitable insurance cover. I understand that the cover offered by TSR is only whilst judging at either a TSR Show or classes affiliated to TSR. Although listed as a Judge on the TSR Register, this does not transfer any responsibility to TSR for my personal safety or any liability in the case of an accident or personal injury whilst judging, however caused.
Membership Terms and Conditions
I accept the TSR Judges Membership in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of membership as stated in the TSR Handbook (available on the TSR website).
TSR Code of Conduct
I confirm that I have read and agree to abide by the TSR Code of Conduct for Judges & Members and the Terms and Conditions as set out in the TSR HandBook (available on the TSR website).
Confirmation of fitness to judge
I confirm that I am fit and able to judge effectively and do not suffer from any condition which may cause me to be unable to fulfil the role effectively.
Data policy
Data - I agree to my contact details i.e email, address & telephone number being published in the TSR Judges Register which I understand is publicly available on the TSR website.
Child Protection Self Disclosure
I declare that I have no criminal convictions in respect of offences against children or vulnerable adults, sexual offences, child pornography, animal cruelty, violence or any other offences, which would prevent acceptance to The Showing Register Judges Panel, or have been prohibited from working with children or vulnerable adults. I agree to inform The Showing Register immediately should any circumstances change that alters the status of this self-disclosure.
Judge type
Non-Competing Judge
Judge & Compete
Judge & Compete in the same section
Show Producer
Professional Rider
Please select from the following
Judge Type Other
If Other please explain
I would like to be included on a Stewards List or for shows to be aware that I would consider stewarding duties alongside a judging appointment.
GDPR (Data Protection)
I declare that I have read and understood the above points and stated this as indicated
I have read & agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions as stated in the TSR HandBook and other supporting documents mentioned above
The Showing Register is committed to protecting your data. We will use your data to process your judges listing, contact you with information & news on TSR. As a listed TSR Judge we may need to share your data with, which include but are not limited to: other Societies /Associations, Grandstand Media. As a TSR listed judge you agree to the above conditions. Please read the Privacy Policy on the TSR website for more details on how we use your data.
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Grand total
Judges 2025 Renewal Incorporating HOYS Competing Eligibility quantity
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