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Judge registers

TSR Judges Registers

There are two TSR Judges Registers – the ‘H’ register for judges eligible to judge HOYS qualifiers and the ‘O’ register for Judges eligible to judge all unaffiliated  classes excluding HOYS qualifiers.

Within each register judges can be listed to judge the following sections:

  • Pony Includes In Hand & Ridden SP, SHP, Intermediates, Part Breds excludes M&M
  • M&M Includes In Hand & Ridden M&M, M&M LR & FR
  • Horse Includes In Hand & Ridden Hacks, Cobs, Riding Horses, Part Breds
  • Hunters Includes In Hand & Ridden Hunters, Working Hunter
  • Coloureds Includes In Hand & Ridden
  • WH/WHP includes Working Hunter, WHP & M/M WHP


For clarity there are two panels listed below.  The O panel judges have passed an assessment process and can judge all sections of The Amateur of  the Year qualifiers and unaffiliated classes.

The H panel judges can judge all the above, but are also eligible to judge Horse of the Year Show qualifiers in the sections that are highlighted after their names